Out of Sync Expectations
Leaders need to listen and understand what their staff members are experiencing and address those needs specifically. When managing remotely, you have to overcome the lack of cues given during face-to-face encounters.

Meaningless Check Ins
Check in calls with the team as one on one are essential. However, the needs that are addressed do change over time. Make sure that your frequency and content change to reflect where you are today.
Ignoring Social Connections

Social distancing is a stupid term – we should call it physical distancing to prevent the unintended spread of germs. We are social creatures and the need to build relationships and enjoy each other remains, even when we are operating separately in remote locations.

Disrespecting Time Boundaries

If this was a problem before remote work, the pandemic didn’t improve the situation. We need to be flexible with the needs of parents to get their children set up for school, whether it is virtual instruction or a changing schedule. If someone is working after hours to make up time, that’s an individual decision – don’t make the assumption that either everyone is doing it or that no one is doing it. Have the conversation in your one-on-ones.

Overlooking Feedback

A little bit of chaos can nudge careful feedback right off the agenda.

Forgetting Development

Everyone on your team needs a development plan that is modified to address the new business priorities.

Denying Support for the Right Tools

Many companies have provided stipends to support the setup of work-from-home environments so your staff is working from a desk with the right equipment to be productive and safe. Have you made sure your employees have what they need?

Blowing by Deadlines

Meeting deadlines with high quality deliverables matters more than ever. It makes a difference to your team to show that you have the capabilities to adapt and thrive, not to mention to your customers who are expecting deliverables from stable, capable partners who communicate and care.

Allowing Drift

Meeting deadlines with high quality deliverables matters more than ever. It makes a difference to your team to show that you have the capabilities to adapt and thrive, not to mention to your customers who are expecting deliverables from stable, capable partners who communicate and care.
One of the biggest threats to the coherence and morale of a team is letting an employee “step away” for some legitimate reason like taking care of a sick family member and then not calling them back to task. Resentment builds in the absence of updates. It’s up to you to lead the team and hold everyone accountable.

Stifling Celebrations

Marking wins with integrating a new system or delivering a big order or debugging a key feature matter more than ever. Be creative with your methods and generous with the time you allot.

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