What You Must Focus on as a Business Leader: Grow Your People to Grow Your Business

Martin, the founder of a graphics design firm, found himself involved in almost every pitch session, every design meeting, and every client review. His company was on track to grow by more than 20% this year. The pace and excitement of his team was exhilarating. However, it was also crushing Martin. After a 9-hour day, he would then go home for dinner, and while his children went to do their homework, Martin would pop open his laptop to prepare proposals, finalize work products, send invoices, and make sure payroll would be met at the end of the month.

Once he understood that it was his responsibility to create other leaders and not just backstop everyone else’s work, everything changed.

A month later, his managers were thriving with the new responsibilities and assignments. Martin was working with key accounts and mentoring a new hire in how to perform client account management. Instead of expecting to complete work at home, Martin spent time each day completing the tasks that were part of his responsibilities while at work and was spending less time each week on his laptop, which his wife really appreciated.

You see, when you take this Grow Business Now direction to work, your managers, your staff, your clients, and your family benefit. You do, too, of course! Martin said, “I know we’re going to grow and it’s not something that scares the #@$! out of me.”

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