Most people confuse a team with a group that’s just exited the elevator

If this message reminds you that teams are more than just a collection of people, then it will have done its job for the day.

If you’re really interested in the core structure of teams, consider these elements:

  1. A team has a defined purpose.
  2. A team has a role of leader, even if that responsibility is rotated to develop others involved.
  3. A team has an articulated purpose, often associated with creating a consistent result for the business.
  4. A team gets to the latter stages of forming-storming-norming-performing as it builds its culture, standards, and relationships among and between members of the group. Even all-star team members need to know what they can expect from and count on from each other.

Business is a team effort. The sooner you apply known management principles to your team planning and building, the sooner you’ll be on track to grow business now!

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